速報APP / 旅遊與地方資訊 / Craigavon Heritage Trails

Craigavon Heritage Trails





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Belfast Flour Mills Percy Street BT13 2HW

Craigavon Heritage Trails(圖1)-速報App

The Craigavon Rural Heritage Trail guides you through eight beautiful villages and eleven smaller settlements surrounding Craigavon. The audio reveals fascinating insights to the heritage, stories and characters that give each village and smaller settlements their distinctive charm.

You’ll discover a huge, ancient henge, four millennia old, right in the heart of

Craigavon Heritage Trails(圖2)-速報App

Aghagallon, and you’ll relive the drama of a World War Two plane crash in a nearby lake. You will hear how some of the most elegant linen ever created came from the cottages and mills of this region and learn how the philanthropy and vision of linen families like the Warings and the Liddells brought jobs and prosperity here.

There are famous cricketers, renowned explorers and even St. Patrick makes an appearance. And with easy-to-use off-line mapping, you’ll discover all this and more on the scenic Craigavon Rural Heritage Trail.

As part of the app you will enjoy two full audio guides, the Heritage Villages and the Heritage Settlements Trails, an image gallery full of the delightful scenes you can expect to see, an itinerary builder so you can build a personal itinerary of the places you want to visit and full offline mapping to help you navigate your way around.